How To Use The Starlink App: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)

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Written By Viktor

Product manager by day, Starlink enthusiast by night.

Confused about all the different options in the Starlink app? Don’t worry, I luckily got you covered!

In this article, I will detail how and where you can download the Starlink app as well as how to navigate to get the most out of your Starlink experience.

Where Can You Download the Starlink App?

Starlink offers an app for both Android and iOS devices, which can be downloaded under the attached links.

Alternatively, you can also access portions of the Starlink app interface via a browser. However, keep in mind that those versions are outdated and don’t include the whole feature set available within the app. You also need to be connected to your Starlink to gain access.

You can use either of those two addresses to access the app:

With that said, let’s take a closer look at what each section of the Starlink app means and how you can take advantage of them.

Home Screen

The main page, or home screen, is your literal entry portal into all the features the Starlink app has to offer.

starlink app home screen
Home Screen

First and foremost, it shows you the status of your connection. If everything is working properly, then you’ll see a white laser between your dishy and router, accompanied by the ONLINE tag.

If you face issues of any sort, then it’s displayed as OFFLINE. Alternatively, you could also see a DISCONNECTED status, which is indicative of hardware issues (granted you haven’t unplugged the system).  

Account Section

The top right corner of the app’s home screen is your gateway to the account section where you can manage your subscription.

starlink account section
Account Section

It allows you to adjust your email, password, or phone number, check previous orders, retrieve account statements, and check on your customer support queries (or even contact customer support).

Additionally, the account section enables you to access the Starlink shop as well, which we’ll cover in the next section.

Starlink Shop

While Starlink’s hardware kit contains everything you need to get started, some users may still need to upgrade their setup.

starlink shop app

For instance, surrounding trees may lead to severe obstructions, which can cause interruptions in your connection. As a result, you’d need to mount your dish on a roof.

Starlink sells a variety of different mounts that can be set up on top of your house or in the ground. You can also purchase a dedicated ethernet adapter to bypass the Starlink router or improve speeds.

Keep in mind that the shop section is tailored to the country you’re based in. For instance, here in Germany, we only have access to a limited set of items while Americans and Canadians can order everything Starlink potentially offers.


The network statistics section allows you to analyze how your Starlink has been performing across a few key indicators. Those include:

  • Latency: Refers to the duration it takes for data to complete a round trip, traveling from your system, through your network, to the wider internet, and back.
  • Throughput: Quantifies the amount of data either downloaded or uploaded across your network.
  • Uptime: Assesses the continuity of the Starlink connection over time.

In the top right corner, you can also find information about the number of outages your dish faced. If you frequently experience them, then there may be an issue with the hardware.


The Network section lists all devices that are currently or were previously connected to your Starlink router.

It also includes potential mesh nodes or third-party routers; in case you’ve set those up. Lastly, you can also determine your Wi-Fi range and strength signal, which helps you to determine whether additional hardware (i.e., mesh nodes or longer-ranged routers) is actually necessary).


The Starlink dish, every time you try to access the internet, sends a signal in the form of radio wave frequencies to the thousands of satellites roaming low-Earth orbit (LEO). Specifically, they use portions of the electromagnetic spectrum known as the Ku-band and Ka-band.

Those frequencies cannot move through solid objects, including houses or trees. Consequently, the more of those objects your dish is surrounded by, the higher the level of obstructions.

As a result, your connection is likelier to break, thus causing outages, higher latencies, and sometimes even slower speeds.

starlink obstructions app

Luckily, Starlink allows its users to check how obstructed the antenna may be. The level of obstruction can either be checked during the setup process or within the namesake section.

The red portions in the compass graph highlight exactly where your antenna is obstructed while blue stands for a clear and unobstructed field of view.

Lastly, by clicking on CHECK FOR OBSTRUCTIONS, you can determine where exactly your dish is being obstructed. This allows you to place it in a more optimal position.  

Speed Test

If you’re curious about your current network speed, you can initiate a speed test directly within the app. As the test progresses, a speedometer graphic springs to life.

Once complete, you’ll receive a summary of your download, upload speeds, and latency for both your network and device.

starlink speed test
Speed Test

Additionally, there’s an advanced test option that checks the Wi-Fi speed between your device and the router, followed by the connection from the router to the broader internet via Starlink.

While this comprehensive test might not be a daily go-to, it’s handy for troubleshooting when a device seems to lag.


The Starlink settings allow you to adjust how you use the antenna as well as the router – and get the most out of both.

starlink settings
Dish & Router Settings

The router settings enable subscribers to rename or split the network (into 2.4GHz or 5GHz), set up a new Wi-Fi password, filter out adult/explicit content, reboot, bypass, or factory reset the router, and create a custom DNS.

Another click takes you to your antenna’s settings – in the app simply referred to as STARLINK. Neta features include the ability to melt snow that has amassed on the dish, put dishy to sleep (to reduce power consumption), or simply reboot it.

Lastly, stowing your Starlink dish allows you to take it with you on the road or prepare it for a return should you have canceled your subscription.


The Support section, as the name suggests, lists all commonly asked questions users normally have. Use the top search bar to your advantage when trying to find a given answer.

starlink support app

Additionally, the Support area is also your gateway to contacting Starlink support. You can access it by clicking on the thumbs down icon marked above.

Feel free to check the linked article for an in-depth guide on how to get in touch with Starlink.


At the bottom of your home screen, when scrolling down, you can find the Advanced section, providing you with additional information.

starlink advanced section
Advanced Section

That includes the firmware version your dishy and router are currently on, additional information on obstructions or ping drop rates, and anything else related to the health of your hardware kit.

Lastly, the Advanced section also enables you to set up another Starlink. However, keep in mind that this will reset your app’s settings, thus requiring you to go through the whole setup process once again.

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