Here’s an overview of all companies offering Starlink installation services in the state of Ohio. The list itself is sorted alphabetically.
Feel free to also check our general directory in case you have friends in other states or countries who are in need of an installation.
If one is missing, then please contact us here.
ABS Communications
City: Norwalk
Street: 51 E Main St. Suite B
ZIP: 44857
Coverage: Norwalk, OH
Services: N/A
Blackjack Technology Group
City: Cincinnati
Street: N/A
Coverage: Cincinnati, OH
Services: Residential and Commercial Installation
Blake’s Installation Service
City: Cleveland
Street: N/A
ZIP: 44118
Coverage: Cleveland, OH
Services: N/A
Blue Shift Wireless
City: Millersburg
Street: 5555 Co Rd 203
ZIP: 44654
Coverage: Ohio
Services: N/A
Cox Store
City: Parma
Street: 12221 Plaza Dr
ZIP: 44130
Coverage: Parma, OH
Services: N/A
ICS Technology Solutions
City: Columbus
Street: 175 South Third Street, Suite 340
ZIP: 43215
Coverage: Columbus, OH
Just In Time Audio Video
City: Dayton
Street: 6131 Corsica Dr
ZIP: 45424
Coverage: Dayton, OH
Services: N/A
Professional Roofers, Inc.
City: Franklin
Street: 321 Billingsly Ct STE 13
ZIP: 37067
Coverage: Franklin, OH
Services: N/A
Reichman’s Networking Solutions
City: N/A
Street: N/A
Coverage: Ohio
Services: N/A
Smokey View Satellite
City: Greeneville
Street: 30 Smokey View Drive
ZIP: 37745
Coverage: Greeneville, OH
Services: N/A
Stew Electrical LLC
City: Carroll
Street: 8235 Slough Road
ZIP: 43112
Coverage: Carroll, OH
Services: N/A
The Technology Store
City: Cookeville
Street: 921 S Willow Ave Suite C
ZIP: 38501
Coverage: Cookeville, OH
Services: N/A